Dear 2020, See You Never
Finally, it’s the last day of 2020. Before we say goodbye to this year, our team and communiTEA reflect on the lessons 2020 has given us. Alone together, we spent more time with ourselves than ever before. This year we learned that we are flexible, patient, and resilient. We learned to enjoy our own company and proactively find joy. And we learned to stay true to ourselves and let go of what no longer serves us. Join us in answering the prompts below to wrap up the year and welcome 2021.
Happy New Year from the Us Two TEAm.

What title would you give this chapter of your life?
Letting go
Taking off my training wheels
Living outside of the box
The year of gratitude and hope

This year, I want to thank myself for...
focusing on the things that matter to me the most and being resilient.
committing to love myself no matter what.
believing in the dreams of others and taking a chance to help them achieve it.
being patient and more understanding towards myself.
all of the decisions I've made this year and continuing to push myself to the unknown.
Dear Future Me,