5 Myths About Oolong Tea

There are lots of myths and inaccurate information about oolong tea out there. For example, some people think that oolong is bitter, high in caffeine, and requires traditional teaware to make. There are even misconceptions about where oolong tea is grown. We've set the record straight on the top 5 myths about oolong tea. Read on to learn some useful tips on how to get the most out of our your oolong tea experience.

Myth #1: Oolong tea is only grown in China

It's true that oolong tea originates from China. But Taiwan is also famous for its high quality oolong tea. In fact, 25% of the world's oolong tea is produced in Taiwan. While there are many varieties of oolong tea from China, Taiwanese oolong tea is distinctively smoother, less bitter, and sweeter in flavor. This is because Taiwan's oolong tea is grown at high altitudes. The clean air and consistent mist surrounding these high mountain tea farms are ideal for growing tea leaves.

Myth #2: Oolong tea is high in caffeine

An 8 oz cup of oolong tea typically has about 30-40 mg of caffeine, which is slightly higher than green tea, while a same sized coffee has 95 mg of caffeine. There are various types of oolong tea and some are more oxidized and caffeinated than others. But caffeine levels in tea can be controlled with steeping time. 5 minutes of steeping releases 70% of the caffeine from tea leaves, so you can decrease the steeping time for a less caffeinated cup of tea.

Myth #3: Oolong tea is too bitter

Oolong tea can be bitter, but so can any other tea if steeped for long enough. To enjoy the true taste of oolong tea, start with a steeping time of 2-3 minutes. Steeping the tea in water for too long releases more tannins from the tea leaves. Tannins are a bitter component naturally occurring in oxidized tea. So be mindful of how long you’re steeping the tea leaves and make sure to remove them when you’re satisfied with the taste of your tea.

Myth #4: Oolong tea is dehydrating

This is a common myth about not just oolong, but tea in general. It’s true that the caffeine in tea has a diuretic effect, which flushes liquid from your body. But tea is not highly caffeinated so the hydrating benefits outweigh the diuretic effect. As long as you drink oolong tea in moderation, it can be just as hydrating as water. Another reason for this myth is the dry feeling in your mouth caused by tannins released from the tea leaves, but this does not dehydrate the body.

Myth #5: Oolong tea requires traditional teaware to make

Oolong tea has a long history and is often used in tea ceremonies, which might make you think that it needs to be made with traditional tea equipment. But the truth is, oolong tea is an accessible tea that can be enjoyed by anyone without special teaware. If you don’t have a teapot, you can go ‘grandpa style’ and steep oolong tea leaves in a heat-resistant cup instead. Us Two Tea’s oolong tea is conveniently packaged in tea sachets so you can steep whole loose leaf tea in a cup, mug, or teapot.

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